Say Goodbye to These Out-Dated Design Trends

Say Goodbye to These Out-Dated Design Trends

Sometimes it’s better to quietly stop doing something and gradually phase out trends from your life before it’s too late. We intend to explain which design trends are most likely to disappear in 2023, but first, We need to make a crucial disclaimer: Context is crucial. Yes, fashions come and go, but ultimately, taste is personal, and there is no place for the unfavourable projections of others in environments that let you feel secure, content, and true to yourself, regardless of how the interiors are styled.

Today’s design cycle is less flexible than a fast fashion item; it would be harder to throw out your Chesterfield sofa merely because it won’t be trendy in a year. Having said that, the digital era in which we live is one that moves at an extraordinarily fast speed, where trends swiftly peak, get oversaturated, and lose their appeal. The top 7 interior design ideas we’ll be saying goodbye to by 2023 are listed below.

Non-functional objects 

Limited space means fewer decorative items. With that in mind, it’s likely that we’ll see a move away from decorative elements without a purpose and a rise in those that do.

Color-coordinated decoration

With everything from color-coordinated bookshelves to clusters of black-and-white photos, this picky and unnatural style still looks more like a well curated Pinterest board than the private spaces of a person’s actual home. Even though there is only room in the pink zone, you should be able to add a new book to your shelf. Allow yourself to consider all available alternatives. To take this idea even further, you could consider repainting some walls to add character. Consult with the nearest Melbourne house painter and see what they suggest.

TV-centered living rooms

Screens play a major role in the daily lives of the majority of people in our day and age. Maybe even more crucial during the evenings. It’s challenging to draw anything but if your setup is one sofa facing a screen. Therefore, find a tiny technique to make your place more participatory even if it’s small. Whether that entails placing a third lounge chair in the corner or positioning two sofas so they face each other rather than the wall.

Squeaky clean kitchens

The ultra-modern minimalist kitchen, which is frequently all-white or grey, follows in the same line. On the counter, there isn’t even a single bowl, and God forbid there be any strange marbling! The cabinets are frequently polished to a high shine, but there is never a glossy appliance in sight. An awful place to cook. What exactly are doing we in the kitchen? Try something that seems cosy, homey, happy, and welcoming—just as a kitchen should.

Chesterfield sofas 

The Chesterfield sofa is unquestionably attractive and a simple method to attain the modern farmhouse design, which will continue to rule in 2023, but it might be time for a little break. We’re interested in seeing other approaches to achieving this rustic, domestic appearance because the grandma-chic SoHo House concept, which puts the Chesterfield front and centre, is taking over the stage of perhaps one too many homes these days.

Open floor plans 

We told you about the open floor layout back in 2022, and it won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. After the epidemic, though, the truth still stands: If you’re confined to a small city and your home serves as a place for sleeping, working, and doing everything but cooking, you want it to do so (separating our living rooms from our offices and pelotons, if possible). Not to mention, the smallest rooms we make into something pleasant are frequently the most appealing aspects of the house. Even though the original idea of the guest room is no longer relevant, you should nevertheless compartmentalise your home with physical zones. People, boundaries are crucial!

Blobby everything everywhere

Structure is back! While we enjoy blobs and the whimsical thrill of curving shapes that evoke sophisticated Play-Doh creations, there is something appealing about assertive lines that add a little form to a space. This doesn’t imply we should give up on all things blobby; it merely means that, like a pendulum, when one is popular, we should anticipate a spike in the other.

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